Hospital Management Software

A perfect solution for clinics and hospitals. The software is powerful, reliable and easy to use. It is designed to meet the high standards and bring in benefits to hospitals and clinics. Besides, the software offers cost saving benefits and better working efficiency.


Currently, improving sales and attracting loyal customers have become an indispensable target for large and small supermarkets in every countries. To achieve this, the vast majority of supermarket managers trust and use supermarket management softwares.

Warehouse Management Solution

FSW.Warehouse is the most perfect warehouse management software that is cable of supporting the medium and large warehouse systems
- Using 2-D model, FSW.Warehouse show you the visual view of warehouse
- Besides we also include Sale Management Function to fully support your business

Drug Warehouse – Chemiscal – Medical Equipments Management Solution

Human Resources Management Solution

- Client – server (n-1) model in Local Area Network (LAN)
- SQL data stock can store an enormous amount of data
- Falcon Software has constantly updated and applied highly technologically advanced applications of Microsoft, such as: WPF, WCF, SQL Server 2005-2008, etc.

News & Event

  • 18

    Tháng 4

    Sacombank ra mắt thẻ chăm sóc sức khỏe

    Đây là sản phẩm thẻ trả trước nội địa đồng thương hiệu Sacombank - Mêkông, được tích hợp các tính năng của thẻ ngân hàng và tiện ích của bệnh viện dựa trên nền tảng giải pháp công nghệ của FSW.

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Services Phoenix Company

Information technology and Internet are increasingly developing in Vietnam as well as all over the world. There have appeared more and more information technology software and Internet solutions with the aim to serve customer's needs and demands in business and entertainment. 

Following the development trend, Phoenix Company has concentrated on investment in working facility as well as human resources in service of increasingly demanding requirements of Vietnamese entrepreneurs as well as local businesses. We provide the following services: