Hospital Management Software
A perfect solution for clinics and hospitals. The software is powerful, reliable and easy to use. It is designed to meet the high standards and bring in benefits to hospitals and clinics. Besides, the software offers cost saving benefits and better working efficiency.
Improve competitiveness
The software helps minimize administrative procedures at the hospital, remove over-loading problems in patients registration and fees payment process. As the result, the hospital can focus more on patient care in order to improve service quality.
Technology and Security
Patients’ electronic medical records are linked and integrated to the software to provide the best support and immediate medical information to the team of doctors. The application of latest technology allows the software to operate faster and more secure.
Saving human resources
Improve the effectiveness of day-to-day work-schedule management to teams of doctors and nurses. Adding to that, the fast connection among different hospital departments helps export medical reports in a fast, complete and instantaneous way.
Special features
• Able to handle 50 clinics at the same time, serving thousands of visits per day. • Manage over 300 beds and hundreds of outpatients at the same time. • Deploy Client - Server model to optimize storage and security issues. • Apply Microsoft's latest technology e.g. WPF, WCF, WWF-based framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005, Crystal report 12.0. • Rapid information storage and data search, instant data access. • Support patient appointment reminder function via SMS. •Interactive and friendly user-interface. • Suitable for General, specialised Hospitals and Clinics.
The main modules
Our CRM software is a customer relationship management solution for corporates built on (Linux / Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) platform that is best known for its reliability and response. It is a multi-users, web-based platform, and fully supports Vietnamese language.
Patient Intake and Registration

Patient intake process:
This is the input of the system: automatically classify infant and adult patients. Each patient registration is granted a unique code. The usage of barcode technology helps optimize management process. It also supports patient data search quickly and correctly.
Registration process:
Automatically assign patients into the corresponding clinics and provide number sequences. Patient can choose the clinic doctor at their request. The system also supports group patients, corporate clients or special care for individuals.
Medical fee management:
Help to collect fee payment quickly and conveniently. The application offers an accurate and simple procedure, cutting down waiting time for patients. Support methods of settlements for book closing purposes. Release statistical report on revenue collection sorted per day, per staff or per counter.
Management of clinics:

Provide child care support, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, male infertility, breast examination, IVF test, ...; perform accurate diagnostic treatments. Provide drug prescriptions: preclinical treatments, vaccine intuition. Perform patient’s medical history check-up, and immunization history.
Clinical management approach:
Manage all results of tests – including diagnostic images of patients during clinical treatments
Management of immunization:
Cover children and adults; perform monthly Vaccination reports to the Ministry of Health
Medical care to groups:
Provide healthcare facilities to groups and corporate clients

Monitoring Inpatient Discharges:
Monitor expenses of inpatient treatment, hospital discharge and other services conducted during preclinical periods.
Manage the process of treatment and patient flow between departments.
Monitoring inpatient treatments:
Support nurses sharing information.
Utilise softwares and applications across different faculties

Perform Statistical data for each Faculty and Department.
Compare data on monthly, quarterly or yearly basis, helping to support the decision making process to the board of directors

In-patient cover:
Cover for patients who register for In-patient health services (maternity, in-hospital treatment, ...) covered by insurance companies for treatment expenses.
Monitor patient information and valid time data on insurance cards.
Monitor profiles of services, medication taken by each insurance companies
The system automatically calculates medical expenses incurred as well as the amounts covered by insurance companies and the amounts covered by the patient.
Out-patient cover:
The service is automatically provided for female patients who are registered for routine maternity checks and related expenses are covered by insurance companies.The system is able to check and provide billing receipts for each insurance company.

The module allows patients to set up appointment for next time, cutting down waiting time in hospital, reducing the number of patients await to pay fees.
Patients are able to check hospital schedules of appointment and to book appointment directly to the doctor in charge.
Allows patients to be pro-active in booking, and to set up appointment with the doctor they want to see.
Allows patients to book appointment and to register for their seat automatically.

Hospital bills are paid through internal payment system of the hospital.
Reduce waiting time; making payment convenient and secure, removing overload problems at billing stage as well as in and out of hospital.
Minimize the use of cash in making payments, and increase the efficiency of accounting
Hospital card can be used to book appointment and to top up credit online

SMS Management:
System configuration provides SMS services with the brandname ABC / XYZ hospital for patients enabled payment cards, trading cards arise, add money to the card, ...
In addition, patients who need add-on services such as setting appointment reminder, receiving medical results via Email, SMS… will be able to do so through our SMS Management. Once registered, the system will automatically configure and send the information at pre-set time.

Email Management:
All transactions related to patients’ making payments at the hospital will be sent to email registered by the patients. • The patients will be notified through their registered emails when booking appointments with the hospital or making top-up credit on the site.
Patients are able to access to the website for checking personal medical information and results of their treatment.
Patients can post enquiries about their medical results and treatments on the website for direct medical consultancy and advices from doctors.
Patients can schedule an appointment with their online card, or to top up credit on the website through Onepay, Nganluong, Internet Banking.
In addition, the system supports functions for pregnant mothers and infants sorted by age and specific needs.